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How to download music for osu!

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    Carter A

If you've ever found yourself tapping along to the beat, eager to download music for osu!, you're in the right spot.

The rhythm game osu! has become a staple for music and game lovers alike, offering a platform to not only enjoy music but interact with it in a unique and engaging way.

Reading this, you're about to discover the simplest, foolproof guide to downloading music for osu!, ensuring you spend more time playing and less time figuring out how.

Key Takeaways

  • Easily download music for osu! by navigating to the beatmap listings on the official osu! website.
  • Ensure compatibility by checking the file format before downloading.
  • Explore community forums and external websites for additional beatmaps and insider tips.

Understanding osu! Beatmaps

Before we dive into the how, let's clarify a what.

Beatmaps are what we call the custom game levels in osu!.

They are essentially the music tracks you play, but paired with visuals and a unique gameplay experience.

Each beatmap is set to a song, comprising various game modes and difficulty levels.

How to Download Music for osu!

The process is straightforward, but let's walk through the steps to ensure there's no confusion.

First off, head to the osu! website.

Here you'll find the beatmap listing section, a goldmine for downloading music for osu!.

Choosing Your Beatmaps

With thousands available, consider trying these filters:

  • Genre
  • Difficulty
  • Song length

This will help narrow down your choices to what suits you best.


Once you've set your eyes on a beatmap, simply click the download icon.

Some beatmaps require an osu!supporter tag for direct download, but there's always the option to download without by waiting a few seconds.

File Compatibility and Installation

After downloading, you might wonder, "Now what?".

Here's the deal:

  • Most beatmaps come in .osz format.
  • Double-clicking the file should automatically add it to your game.

If not, manually adding the file to the game's directory works like a charm.

Exploring External Resources

While the osu! site is great, don't stop there.

Check out these external URLs for more content:

They offer a plethora of beatmaps and insights into your osu! stats.

Community Forums: A Treasure Trove

Never underestimate the power of community.

Osu!'s forums are brimming with passionate players who share, create, and discuss beatmaps.

Here, you can find:

  • Custom beatmaps not listed on the official site.
  • Tips on improving your gameplay.


How do I know if a beatmap is good?

A: Look for high star ratings and positive comments. Also, give it a listen! Your enjoyment is key.

Can I create my own beatmaps?

A: Absolutely! osu! has a Beatmap Editor for those feeling creative.

Is it safe to download beatmaps from external sites?

A: Generally, yes. But always ensure you're on a reputable site to avoid malicious files.

Understanding how to download music for osu! is the first step to elevating your osu! experience.

By following this guide, you're well on your way to discovering not just music, but a vibrant community of creators and players.

Happy gaming!