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How to make an osu! beatmap

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    Carter A

Learning How to Make an osu! Beatmap and Why It's Awesome

Ever wondered how to make an osu! beatmap? Well, you're about to find out, and trust me, it's gonna be fun. Making a beatmap for osu! isn't just about slapping notes onto a screen; it's about creating a rhythm that players can't help but get hooked on. Stick around because you're going to learn how to craft an addictive osu! beatmap that could climb its way to the top of the ranking boards.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the basics of osu! beatmapping.
  • Learn the tools required to make a beatmap.
  • Get to know the process of timing, mapping, and skinning your beatmap.
  • Discover how to submit and rank your beatmap.

What is an osu! Beatmap?

First up, let's get everyone on the same page. An osu! beatmap is essentially the game level in osu!, a popular rhythm game. It consists of music, hit objects, and a background image—all perfectly synced to create an immersive gameplay experience.

Creating an osu! beatmap sounds cool, right? But where do you start?

Tools You'll Need

To get started, you'll need a few things:

  • osu!: Yeah, kind of obvious, but you need the game installed.
  • A song: Pick a tune that makes you wanna tap your feet.
  • osu! Beatmap Editor: It comes with osu!, so no extra downloads required.
  • Creativity: Alright, not a physical tool, but you get the idea.

Picking the Perfect Song

Choosing the right song is crucial. It sets the tone for the whole beatmap. Think rhythm, beats, and something not too long. Aim for something around 1-3 minutes to keep players engaged.

Once you've got your song, it's time to dive into the osu! beatmap editor.

Step by Step: Making Your First Beatmap

Let's break it down, step by step.

Step 1: Timing is Everything

Without proper timing, your beatmap will feel off. Players won't enjoy it. Here's where you sync the beats of the song with the gameplay.

  • Open your song in the osu! editor.
  • Hit "Timing" and tap along with the beat.
  • Adjust the BPM and offset until it feels just right.

Remember, timing is critical. Take your time here.

Step 2: Mapping Out the Fun

Mapping is where the magic happens. You place circles, sliders, and spinners to the beat of the music.

  • Select "Design" in the editor.
  • Place hit objects in time with the music.
  • Experiment with sliders and spinners for variety.

Not sure where to start? Check out the osu! mapping guide for tips and tricks.

Step 3: Adding Visual Flair

Your beatmap's gotta look good. Add a background image, change hit object colors, and maybe even add a storyboard if you're feeling ambitious.

  • Click "Design" and select your background.
  • Customize hit circle colors in the "Colours" tab.
  • Storyboard for extra points (optional).

Step 4: Test Play and Adjust

Play your beatmap. A lot. This is how you fine-tune the gameplay experience. Look for parts that feel off or could be more exciting.

Adjust, play test, and repeat until you're happy with how it plays.

Step 5: Submission and Ranking

Proud of your creation? Time to submit it. Here's how:

  • Click "File" and select "Upload Beatmap."
  • Follow the prompts to get your beatmap out there.

Want to get your map ranked? Make sure it follows the ranking criteria and collect feedback from the community.


How long does it take to make an osu! beatmap?

It varies. A simple map might take a few hours, while complex projects could take weeks. Practice and patience are key.

Can I make a beatmap for any song?

Technically, yes. But, you should have permission to use the song or stick to royalty-free music to avoid copyright issues.

What makes a good osu! beatmap?

  • Good timing: The gameplay matches the music perfectly.
  • Creativity: Unique patterns and gameplay ideas.
  • Polish: It looks and plays smoothly, with attention to detail.

Feeling pumped to make your own osu! beatmap? Remember, the key is to have fun with it. And who knows? Maybe your beatmap will be the next big hit on osu!.

For more information and resources, check out the official osu! website, and don't miss extensive tutorials on YouTube and the osu! forum for tips from seasoned mappers.

Happy mapping!