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How to play osu!

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    Carter A

Learning How to Play osu!

Ever wondered how to get your fingers dancing and your screen flashing with exciting rhythms? osu! is the game that promises just that. But, before you jump in, let's crack the code on how to play osu! with ease and fun. Stick around because this guide will turn you from a newbie into a rhythm-clicking maestro.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the basics of osu! gameplay.
  • Learn the various game modes available.
  • Find out how to improve accuracy and speed.
  • Discover resources to help enhance your game.

Basics of osu!

What is osu!?

osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games.

It requires players to hit, slide, and spin to the beat of the music.

Starting Out

First, to dive into osu!, you need to download the game. Visit the official osu! website to get started.

After installation, open the game, and you'll be prompted to create an account or log in.

Understanding Game Modes

osu! offers four main game modes: osu!standard, osu!taiko, osu!catch, and osu!mania.

Each mode requires a different set of skills and offers a unique way to play the game.

How to Play osu!standard

osu!standard is the most popular game mode.

Players click circles, hold sliders, and spin spinners in time with the music.

Getting The Right Gear

A good mouse or a graphics tablet can significantly improve your gameplay.

Setting Up

Customize your game settings for optimal performance. Adjust the resolution, frame limiter, and input latency for the best experience.

Finding Beatmaps

Beatmaps are the songs you play in osu!.

You can find them on the Beatmap Listing page.

Improving Your Skills

Accuracy and Speed

These are crucial in osu!.

Playing a variety of beatmaps and practicing frequently will help improve both.

Key Bindings and Gameplay Settings

Adjusting your key bindings to something that feels comfortable can make a big difference.

Experiment with various settings to find what works best for you.

osu! Community and Resources

The osu! community is vibrant and welcoming.

You can find tons of resources and get connected with other players on the osu! forums.


How do I install new beatmaps?

Simply download them from the Beatmap Listing page and double click the file. osu! will automatically import it.

Can I play osu! on a tablet?

Yes, many players find using a graphics tablet easier than a mouse for gameplay.

What is the best way to improve in osu!?

Practice, practice, practice. Also, watch tutorials and gameplay videos to learn new techniques and strategies.


Mastering how to play osu! takes time, patience, and practice.

But with this guide, you have all the tools you need to get started on the right foot.

Remember, the key to success in osu! is enjoying the rhythm and having fun with every beat.